Installation instructions#

autosuspend is designed for Python 3 and does not work with Python 2.


After installation, do not forget to enable and start autosuspend vis systemd as described in systemd integration.


The minimal requirements are.

Additionally, the some checks need further dependencies to function properly. Please refer to Available activity checks for individual requirements.

If checks using URLs to load data should support file:// URLs, requests-file is needed.

Binary packages#


Installation from official package sources:

apt-get install autosuspend

Archlinux (AUR)#

autosuspend is available as an Archlinux AUR package.

Installation via some AUR helpers <> such as paru:

paru -S autosuspend

Other AUR helpers may be used, too.


Patrick Holthaus has provided an ebuild for Gentoo in his overlay. You can use it as follows:

eselect repository enable pholthaus-overlay
emaint sync -r pholthaus-overlay
emerge sys-apps/autosuspend

Other distributions#

In case you want to generate a package for a different Linux distribution, I’d be glad to hear about that.

Manual installation#

autosuspend is a usual Python package and hence can be installed using the common Python packaging tools. Briefly, the following steps can be used to install autosuspend from source in a system-wide location (as root user):

python3 -m venv /opt/autosuspend
/opt/autosuspend/bin/pip install git+<tag or branch>#egg=autosuspend[all]


Replace the angle brackets with desired Git tag or branch. Use main for the latest development release.


The all in the square brackets ensures that autosuspend is installed with all optional dependencies. That way all available checks can be used. In case you only need a subset of optional requirements, replace all with a comma-separated list of package extras. The names of these extras can be found in

Afterwards, copy the systemd unit files found in /opt/autosuspend/lib/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd and adapt the contained paths to the installation location.