Configuration file


The autosuspend configuration file uses INI syntax and needs to be processable by the Python configparser module.

A simple configuration file could look like:

interval = 30
idle_time = 900
suspend_cmd = /usr/bin/systemctl suspend

enabled = false
hosts =

class = Users
enabled = true
name = .*
terminal = .*
host = [0-9].*

The configuration file consists of a [general] section, which specifies general processing options, and multiple options of the format [check.*]. These sections describe the checks to execute to determine inactivity.

General Configuration

The [general] section contains options controlling the overall behavior of the autosuspend daemon. These are:


The time to wait after executing all checks in seconds.


The required amount of time in seconds with no detected activity before the host will be suspended.


The command to execute in case the host shall be suspended. This line can contain additional command line arguments to the command to execute.


Location of a file that indicates to autosuspend that the computer has suspended since the last time checks were executed. This file is usually created by a systemd service. Thus, changing the location also requires adapting the respective service. Refer to systemd integration for further details.

Check Configuration

For each check to execute, a section with the name format [check.*] needs to be created. Each check has a name and an executing class which implements the behavior. The fraction of the section name check. determines the name, and in case no class option is given inside the section, also the class which implements the check. In case the option:`class option is specified, the name is completely user-defined and the same check can even be instantiated multiple times with differing names.

For each check, these generic options can be specified:


Name of the class implementing the check. If this is not specified, the section name must represent a valid check class (see list below).


Needs to be true for a check to actually execute. false is assumed if not specified.

Furthermore, each check might have custom options.

For options of individual checks, please refer to Available checks.