Installation instructions

autosuspend is designed for Python 3 and does not work with Python 2.


The minimal requirements are.

Additionally, the some checks need further dependencies to function properly. Please refer to Available activity checks for individual requirements.

If checks using URLs to load data should support file:// URLs, requests-file is needed.

Binary packages

Debian (testing)

Installation from official package sources:

apt-get install autosuspend

Archlinux (AUR)

autosuspend is available as an Archlinux AUR package.

Installation via pacaur:

pacaur -S autosuspend

Other distributions

In case you want to generate a package for a different Linux distribution, I’d be glad to hear about that.

From-source installation

autosuspend provides a usual file for installation using common setuptools methods. Briefly, the following steps are necessary to install autosuspend:

git clone
cd autosuspend
python3 install # with desired options

To build the documentation, the following command can be used:

python3 build_sphinx